How We Work

Our practice is deeply relational, and as such, we follow certain tenets in our work with everyone in your organization and community.


Typical project journey


Identify community


Co-identify values, priorities, and critical questions


Generative creative interventions and solutions through design labs and tools


Evaluate community needs and lean towards action


Affirm new direction with community


Prepare for community ownership of interventions and longer term learning


Develop implementation plan


Transition out of project

Our Principles

  • Communicate Bravely

    Make the implicit explicit. Dance with the power of sharing your truth. Show up, be present, and consider the idea that clarity is an act of kindness.

  • Rest

    Why aren't you resting? Rest is what restores us and it can look many different ways—from walks with friends to naps. What if rest wasn't only for increasing productivity? What if rest is what you deserve simply for being alive?

  • Reach for Nuance

    In the moments where you find tension and where there is heat, reach for the thread that ties it together. Give room for details that can give texture to your understanding, your ideas, and your decisions.

  • Show Care

    Activate your empathy by designing or care. What if you built caring infrastructure into your practice? What would it mean to make sure you and your community had resources to care for yourselves and each other?

  • Sit with Silence

    Silence is often interpreted as a lack of interest or engagement, but silence can simply mean processing, metabolizing, and integrating. Don't be afraid of quiet moments; there is clarity to be found in them.

  • Discover the Story

    What motivates your community to choose each other? What's the narrative that keeps you together? How might the story change and where are you going together?

  • Resist the Binaries

    The false dichotomy of the binary can inhibit the design of creative interventions. What if it wasn’t either/or? What if it was both/and? What if it's not a linear choice but a constellation of truths to navigate?

  • Embrace Slowness

    Take your time. Our urgency when working in design, often driven by client contracts, leaves little room for pausing or reflection. Hold space, slow down, and ask "what might we be missing"?

  • Land on Gratitude

    Was there a meaningful exchange? Big or small, gratitude is an investment in a relationship. It communicates that you see someone's worth and respect their contribution.

Our Approach

  1. Identify community

  2. Co-identify priorities and critical questions

  3. Use design labs and tools to generate creative interventions and solutions

  4. Evaluate community needs & lean towards action

  5. Affirm new direction with community

  6. Prepare for community ownership of interventions and longer term learning

  7. Transition out of project

Curious? Let’s collab!